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Nilanjan Banik

Senior Fellow

Nilanjan Banik is a professor at Bennett University’s School of Business, India.

His work focuses on the application of time series econometrics in issues relating to international trade, market structure and development economics. He is also interested in the “rules” part of WTO; especially examining non-tariff barriers aspects of GATT/WTO agreements.

He has project experience with Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia; Laffer Associates, USA; KPMG, India; Ministry of Commerce, Government of India; Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi; Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi; Center for Economic Policy Research, UK; Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo; Asian Development Bank, Manila; South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI); UNESCAP-ARTNeT, Thailand, Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne; and World Trade Organization, Geneva

Why free trade is good for your health

Much of the public discourse about free trade focuses on the supposed dangers it poses to the environment, to vulnerable communities around the world and to our health. Geneva Network has teamed up with the IFT to produce a pamphlet explaining the role of open trade in improving public health.