Knowledge economy must be at the heart of the WTO reform agenda
To ensure modern trade and investment can continue on non-discriminatory terms for everyone, the WTO should put Intellectual property first.
To ensure modern trade and investment can continue on non-discriminatory terms for everyone, the WTO should put Intellectual property first.
In the run up to the 2019 general election, the Indian government has prioritised healthcare delivery and promoting innovation and competitiveness in the country, including in the health and life sciences sector.
Section 3(d) of India’s patent law may be putting India at a competitive disadvantage. The data presented in this research note shows it is preventing Indian generic pharmaceutical companies from developing new formulations, compositions, and combinations of existing medicines, which they instead undertake and commercialise abroad.
Según un estudio de Libertad y Progreso y Geneva Network, la Argentina es el país con el peor marco de protección al derecho de propiedad intelectual entre los países del G20, Este es un claro obstáculo para la llegada de inversiones y el desarrollo de la industria del conocimiento.
Una protección adecuada de la propiedad intelectual será clave, especialmente para las pequeñas empresas que son la espina dorsal de la mayoría de las economías. América Latina cuenta con los cerebros para hacer realidad esta visión.
The Innovate4Health project tells the exciting story of people who are solving the world’s biggest health challenges with innovation. The innovations we have profiled have focused on local inventors, meeting local challenges.
For middle-income countries looking to diversify their economies and graduate to high-income status, IPRs are more important today than at any other point in history. Using compulsory licenses to achieve public health objectives is short-termist, anachronistic and counterproductive in the long run.
The European Commission (EC) outlined its plans to introduce a manufacturing waiver for Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). If adopted, it would open the door for generic manufacturers to export medicines outside the EU while the SPC is still in force.
Much of the public discourse about free trade focuses on the supposed dangers it poses to the environment, to vulnerable communities around the world and to our health. Geneva Network has teamed up with the IFT to produce a pamphlet explaining the role of open trade in improving public health.