Britain must resist US push for tech giants’ immunity
Never mind chlorinated chicken and NHS contracts – rules around social media companies are increasingly a sticking point for Britain’s pursuit of an ambitious trade agreement with the US.

Geneva Network public comment on the EU Digital Services Act
Geneva Network has filed a public comment on the EC’s Digital Services Act suggesting reforms to level the playing field between online platforms and offline businesses.

We don’t want to die poor: that’s how creatives feel about pending copyright changes
We don’t want to die poor: that’s how creatives feel about pending copyright changes Artists, writers and musicians stand to lose significant income if laws are changed, while Big Tech will be the big winner

Unshackling the future of music: How outdated legal rules are holding back the music business
Most countries do not let the owners of sound recordings decide who can broadcast their recordings, nor the price that users pay.

IP ambivalence risks Europe’s competitiveness

Strong intellectual property rights key to the knowledge economy
For middle-income countries looking to diversify their economies and graduate to high-income status, IPRs are more important today than at any other point in history. Using compulsory licenses to achieve public health objectives is short-termist, anachronistic and counterproductive in the long run.

Is the OECD ready for Colombian membership?
The OECD risks weakening its brand by permitting accession of a country that does not fully respect basic market institutions such as intellectual property rights, writes Philip Stevens.

South Africa’s knowledge economy key to high-income status
without a more hospitable environment for innovative companies South Africa will stay marooned in its middle-income status. Legislators should therefore view the draft IP bill as an opportunity to turn the ship around.