Trade secrecy and Covid-19
This policy brief documents how trade secrets have played a key role in enabling the innovation, investment and collaboration that has delivered Covid-19 vaccines in record time.
This policy brief documents how trade secrets have played a key role in enabling the innovation, investment and collaboration that has delivered Covid-19 vaccines in record time.
Data shows that intellectual property rights have been vital to developing the most important innovative Covid medicines.
Even though IP has played a crucial role in developing and manufacturing vaccines for the current pandemic, some are calling for IP to be waived to facilitate preparations for future pandemics.
An international coalition of think tanks calls on governments to reject a proposal at the WTO to waive intellectual property rights for Covid vaccines.
Import duties on pharmaceutical manufacturing inputs such as APIs cost patients US$1.2bn in the US and US$1.1bn in the EU, find Philipp Lamprecht and Matthias Bauer in this new Geneva Network working paper.
다음 선언문은 세계무역기구(WTO)에 제출된 백신의 현지 생산 촉진을 위해 지적재산권 무효화를 주장하는 분열적인 제안이 득보다 실이 더 많은 이유를 제시하고자 합니다. 신뢰와 협업을 바탕으로 백신 제조를 가속화하는 더 좋은 방법이 있습니다.