لماذا يجب حماية البيانات التنظيمية للصناعات الدوائية؟
Conclusion Considerations of the cost of RDP must also be weighed against the benefits that…

코로나19 백신 생산확대와 향후 팬데믹 대비에 필요한 지적재산권의 중요성에 관한 공동선언문
다음 선언문은 세계무역기구(WTO)에 제출된 백신의 현지 생산 촉진을 위해 지적재산권 무효화를 주장하는 분열적인 제안이 득보다 실이 더 많은 이유를 제시하고자 합니다. 신뢰와 협업을 바탕으로 백신 제조를 가속화하는 더 좋은 방법이 있습니다.

إلغاء الجمارك على الأدوية واللقاحات: الطريق لا تزال طويلة!

Una declaración conjunta sobre la importancia de los DPI para la producción a escala de vacunas anti-covid y la preparación para futuras pandemias

Why waiving intellectual property rights for Covid vaccines is wrong
The UK, EU and other allies should speak out against the badly thought out proposal before the WTO.

The EU can put trust back into online commerce
The EU should use the forthcoming Digital Services Act to correct the safety imbalance between online and offline businesses.

A statement of principles on medicines procurement
This is a statement of principles on medicines procurement collectively issued by think tanks from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

IP rights are the key to Covid-19 vaccines
The intellectual property system has continually confounded its critics in the Covid crisis, providing a framework for vaccine innovation and rapid manufacturing scale-up.