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Building a pro-intellectual property community in Brazil

Too often, IP policymaking in Brazil is dominated by anti-IP voices who are organised, coherent and vocal. Pro-IP thinkers are too fragmented and rarely heard from in these debates. Resulting IP policy in Brazil is sub-optimal: a wasted opportunity for a country rich in intellectual

Why Voluntary Licensing is Best for Increasing Access to Medicines

By Philip Stevens The article originally appeared on  “Confrontational approaches such as compulsory licensing are time consuming, risky and an ultimately unsustainable way of addressing global health challenges. Voluntary licensing, by contrast, benefits all stakeholders, especially patients.” When it comes to how to best

Reforming Indonesia’s 2016 patent act

Jakarta • 29—30 November 2022 Indonesia’s 2016 Patent Act downgraded the country’s intellectual property framework well below regional standards, something the Widodo government has tried to rectify with its Omnibus Job Creation Bill. But there is still some distance to travel to make the Indonesian

Future directions for IP reform in Brazil

Sao Paulo • 9 - 10 November 2022 With a new government, Brazil’s intellectual property policy framework faces an uncertain future. But for the country to realise its economic ambitions, it must redouble efforts to modernise this policy area to compete effectively in the global knowledge

Una mala propuesta se gesta en la OMC

Es bien sabido que las vacunas han jugado un papel fundamental en mitigar la pandemia. Sin embargo, poco se comenta sobre cómo en los últimos dos años también se han inventado tratamientos que ayudan a prevenir o combatir el Covid en personas de edad avanzada

Advancing a quality pharmaceutical industry by lowering trade barriers

Read in Bahasa Indonesia has taken steps recently to boost growth through the Omnibus Jobs Bill, which removed some restrictions holding back foreign investment. Simultaneously, Indonesia is pursuing a local manufacturing agenda, with ambitions to accelerate growth and investment by requiring companies to manufacture

Industri farmasi berkualitas

Baca dalam bahasa Inggris Indonesia baru-baru ini mengambil reformasi perundangan dan relaksasi aturan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan melalui UU Cipta Kerja yang kontroversial itu, pada intinya menghapus beberapa pembatasan yang menahan investasi asing. Pada saat yang bersamaan, Indonesia sedang mengejar agenda manufaktur lokal, dengan ambisi

Why patents matter to Indonesia

Jakarta 30 — 31 August 2022 Indonesia’s 2016 Patent Act downgraded the country’s intellectual property framework well below regional standards, something the Widodo government has tried to rectify with its Omnibus Job Creation Bill. But there are still many areas for improvement including restrictions on

Building a Stable, Predictable Patent System in Brazil

Brasilia • 22 - 23 June 2022 The recent Article 40 Supreme Court decision in Brazil has removed an important safeguard against unreasonable patent examination delays, weakening an already challenging IP environment. In collaboration with local think tank partner, Centro Mackenzie de Liberdade Econômica, Geneva