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Building a pro-intellectual property community in Brazil

Too often, IP policymaking in Brazil is dominated by anti-IP voices who are organised, coherent and vocal. Pro-IP thinkers are too fragmented and rarely heard from in these debates. Resulting IP policy in Brazil is sub-optimal: a wasted opportunity for a country rich in intellectual and physical resources.

A new collaboration between University of Akron School of Law, Sao Paulo’s Centro Mackenzie de Liberdade Econômica and Geneva Network aims to bring balance to the scholarly discussion of IP in Brazil for the first time.

We are bringing together Brazilian and American academics with positive perspectives on IP. This new community will connect more directly with IP policymaking and debates in Brasilia and beyond.

Our new scholarly network promises improved IP policymaking in Brazil, helping the country achieve its innovation potential.

Inaugural symposium for pro-IP academics

Prof Mark Schultz (University of Akron School of Law), Prof Vladimir Maciel (Head, Centro Mackenzie) and Prof Emily Michiko Morris (University of Akron School of Law) led the development and delivery of this roundtable meeting, which we believe was a first for Brazil.

Participating academics were flown in from across Brazil for an in-depth, expert discussion focused on the role of IP in underpinning innovation and economic growth.

They all expressed a desire to collaborate further on projects that help promote IP understanding. The event has planted the seeds of a new, positive scholarly IP discussion in Brazil, with many participants meeting for the first time.

Outreach visit to Brasilia

To build momentum for our new network, Geneva Network organised a series of meetings in Brasilia for key IP policymakers and stakeholders. Profs Schultz, Morris and Maciel met with policymakers to discuss the network, its capabilities and to identify opportunities for future collaboration. Meetings included:

Senator Marcos Pontes, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology (2019-2022)

Office of Rep. Marcel van Hattem (Leader of Novo Party)

The IP team from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services

The IP team from Itamarty (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The legislative team from Instituto Livre Mercado, which is officially engaged to support the Free Market Front (caucus) in the legislature

Stakeholders were delighted about the launch of an IP resource in Brazil that can provide real expertise and support to help improve Brazil’s innovation environment. Policymakers expressed interest in working with the network, and suggested public meetings and research. Watch this space!

This new Geneva Network briefing paper makes the case for legislative reforms including Patent Term Adjustment and Regulatory Data protection for pharmaceuticals. These two reforms can help Brazil become a life science leader, the paper argues.


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