
Amending Indonesia’s 2016 patent act will drive biopharmaceutical investment
Reform of Indonesia’s patent laws will help it transform into a regional biopharmaceutical manufacturing and innovation hub.

Localisation barriers to trade in the biopharmaceutical industry
Forcing biopharmaceutical companies to locate operations within countries as a condition of market access could undermine both investment and access to medicines.

Amending Indonesia’s 2016 patent act will drive biopharmaceutical investment
Reform of Indonesia’s patent laws will help it transform into a regional biopharmaceutical manufacturing and innovation hub.

Why patents matter to Indonesia
With careful reform of its patent law etc, Indonesia can accelerate its transition to a knowledge-based, wealthy economy

Duas reformas para modernizar o sistema de propriedade intelectual do Brasil
Este artigo discute duas reformas que podem ajudar o Brasil a se tornar o líder latino-americano em ciências da vida.

Two reforms to modernise Brazil’s intellectual property system
This paper discusses two reforms that can help Brazil become the Latin American life science leader.

Trade secrecy and Covid-19
This policy brief documents how trade secrets have played a key role in enabling the innovation, investment and collaboration that has delivered Covid-19 vaccines in record time.