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CodeBlue discusses latest Geneva Network report

CodeBlue chatted with Geneva Network Director, Philip Stevens, to discuss the latest report, “The importance of Intellectual Property Rights for progress”.

“…The report, which was recently launched by Malaysian Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Ong Kian Ming, looked at the strengths and weaknesses of the framework of intellectual property protection within key ASEAN member states such as Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand.

It considers that most ASEAN countries were still not up to mark, would be disadvantaged, and even left behind in the race for increased foreign investment and economies better adapted to the challenges of the 21st century.

We sat down with Philip Stevens from Geneva Network, one of the co-sponsors of the report to ask him to expand on some of the findings, defend a few positions and find out how best the economies in the ASEAN region can make the leap and be prepared for Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution…”

Click the link to read the full article, “Countries Need to Protect Fruits of Investment and Industry 4.0”