Building a predictable, stable patent system in Brazil
Our reform agenda to upgrade the Brazilian patent examination system to international standards.
Our reform agenda to upgrade the Brazilian patent examination system to international standards.
Our analysis of patenting on the WHO’s latest Essential Medicine List (22nd edition, 2021) shows a decline in the percentage of patented medicines for the first time.
Data shows that intellectual property rights have been vital to developing the most important innovative Covid medicines.
Even though IP has played a crucial role in developing and manufacturing vaccines for the current pandemic, some are calling for IP to be waived to facilitate preparations for future pandemics.
An international coalition of think tanks calls on governments to reject a proposal at the WTO to waive intellectual property rights for Covid vaccines.
The TRIPS agreement has brought huge economic and health benefits – not least the creation and production of innovative Covid vaccines and therapeutics in record time.
Import duties on pharmaceutical manufacturing inputs such as APIs cost patients US$1.2bn in the US and US$1.1bn in the EU, find Philipp Lamprecht and Matthias Bauer in this new Geneva Network working paper.
An important intellectual property right that can drive investment into Gulf cooperation council countries.